So, it’s all over. Freshman year is officially a closed chapter of my life. It really hasn’t hit me yet. The fact that I will never live in my dorm again, or walk the same routes to and from my building again makes me way more upset than I thought. I mean I’m not like an emotional wreck, but I do miss it and it’s only been a few hours. I’ve never really moved away from a place or house, so this is new to me. I may have hated our quaint, little dorm room at times, but now I just want to go back for one more day.. TAKE ME BACK TO ROOM 280!!
Last night, my roommate and I had a small “end of the year” party. It totally exceeded my expectations of Monday night dorm room gatherings. We had pizza, cake, and paper crowns. Need I say more? But, the best part was just talking about this whole year. It is absolutely CRAZY to look back on these past few months. I feel like I’ve changed so much from February, especially since August. We talked about how we felt so cool once we graduated from high school and how funny that is to us now. I thought I was “so grown up” once I got that diploma. I had no idea what I was in store for.
You know, growing up is a funny thing. I spent so much of my life wanting to know what it felt like to be an adult. Now, I think I’ve realized I’m always going to feel like a kid. I love independence, but sometimes I forget I have it. I’ve learned to take care of myself. Not just the basics like food, water, blah blah blah, but mentally and emotionally. There were times this year when I just wanted to give up. I almost did once or twice. Laying on the floor crying because I felt like I had no purpose in life at all. But that’s not the truth. So far from it.
I spent most of first semester complaining. Complaining about school, deadlines, homework, people, problems, myself, and the list goes on. While I was meeting so many people and making new friends, I was hurting in other areas of my life. I didn’t realize how messed up I was until around February. I used to look at only the negatives of my day or week. Now, I see the positives. You can’t live a positive life with a negative attitude. I was SO much happier second semester. My roommate and I have become extremely close, something I never imagined. I’ve learned so much from myself and everyone around me.
It’s hard to make a solid list of everything I have learned over the past year. I’ve realized more about myself since August than over the course of my whole life. I’d like to think I can manage a list of the incredible lessons I will carry with me.
So here it goes…
1. It doesn’t matter what other people think. YOU are the only person who counts.
2. Doing something you would never do is good for you.
3. Smiling can make someone’s day.
4. Sometimes friends are in places you least expect.
5. If you know what you want, go after it.
6. Generally, people want to help you. Talk to your professors, talk to your classmates. They’re on your side.
7. Time flies.
8. Don’t take anything for granted. Even a bad day. Cherish that bad day like it’s the greatest thing you’ve ever experienced.
9. We are all blessed.
10. Being too involved never hurt anyone.
Great post! very inspirational. Good luck with everything
Thank you so much! Much love!!