It’s tempting to start this post out by saying “I’m backkkkkk,” but I feel like I did that last time and “continue bad habits” is clearly not on the above list. With that being said, I am back and so happy for this new month. January was a whirlwind of getting back into the swing of things. Winter break came to an end, which means seeing my best friends every day also came to a sad halt. I’ve never liked January, mainly because I hate the cold, Christmas and the holidays are over, classes start again, and did I mention I hate the cold? So, cheers to February, I am already in love with you.
On the first day of the month (yesterday), I accomplished a lot of things I had put on my list recently and not so recently. It is a great feeling to just do whatever it is you’re saying you need to do. Just do it. Don’t sit around and think about it when you could be accomplishing it. I’ve decided to make a list of pretty general goals that I would like to achieve during February and I encourage you to do the same. I’d love to see what is on your mind and to-do list.
Now, I’ll stop talking so you can go watch the Super Bowl and make your February bucket list. Hope you have had a great start to the week and month!
tarahsaint says
I’m a Jesus lover, too 🙂 Number two and three is such a definite for me! What’s your youtube love?
anchors and dreams says
ah yes I’m happy to hear that! 🙂 I haven’t made a youtube yet, but I have mallorybaileymusic which I will be putting covers on again soon! Do you have a youtube??
xx mallory
tarahsaint says
Yes I do! I write spoken word poetry and perform them! I hope you take a look and subscribe?! Just type in “LoveTLynn” in the YouTube search box, or Let me know what you think! 🙂
anchors and dreams says
You are uber talented! Love it, just subscribed!
look forward to your next video!
tarahsaint says
Aw, thank you so much, love! Be on the look out…I’ll have my next vid up next week! Most likely Wednesday or Thursday. Make sure you let me know when you make your account so I can sub too! God bless 🙂
anchors and dreams says
can’t wait to watch it!! you are the best (:
tarahsaint says
Aw and so are you! I appreciate the support! Will be sure to return the favor.
Lela London (@lelalondon) says
This is too lovely! <3 Love your handwriting.
anchors and dreams says
Aww thanks so much love!
larosequotidien says
I love this. It’s a really good idea. I am going to do this for sure, even though september has just started, it is my birthday month so why not 😛
the drifter says
yes brilliant time to start! happy birthday month! xx